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~Spiritual healing gains popularity as North Sydney event sold out

Spiritual healing gains popularity as North Sydney event sold out

NORTH SYDNEY, N.S. — Lisa Lee, Monica Black and Anita Helle didn’t expect their spiritual workshops on setting intentions, moon cycles and crystal healing would attract sold-out audiences.

But they aren’t really surprised since they are well versed in the power of visualizing your goals to achieve them.

Each participant of the 2019 New Moon Intentions and Beginning Gathering on Tuesday were given a gift box which included dried sage, Himalayan rock salt, reiki charge crystal infused water, a feather (for smudging), a moon rock, a citrine crystal, a clear quartz crystal and a candle.

The 2019 New Moon Intentions and New Beginnings Gathering they held on Tuesday sold-out before the short early bird special was over.

The first event that Black and Lee held in September (Goddess Gathering) also sold-out as did the smaller workshops Black and Helle conducted during the fall.

“There’s such a fulfilment to doing this,” said Helle, who is a psychic, spiritual mentor and reiki healer.

“There’s also the power, when doing something like this, of doing it in a group of like-minded people, in a circle,” added Lee, who is a reiki master and owner of Lisa Young Lee Inc., the company she founded to sell the healing jewelry she designs.

Black, a moon guide and reiki healer, explained that every month during the new moon and for six days after is the best time to set goals for the upcoming month. However, the new moon on Jan. 8 was “extra powerful” because of a solar eclipse.

Vocalizing your intentions is an important part of it because it puts it into the universe and makes it that much more powerful,” said Black who also owns the Black Spoon Market.

Helle chimed in, “And magical.”

A new moon event will start with a cleansing at the door — removal of shoes, deep breaths and smudging. Inside the “sacred, safe space” Helle welcomes everyone and preforms a candle ritual.

As they light the candle, they are literally lighting their soul,” she explained.

Next Black talks about the power of the moon, how to use it for intention setting, astrology and the healing power of crystals.

Lee then talks about setting intentions, daily activities to manifest these goals and how visualization can help. Often Lee will draw on her personal experiences to show audiences how these tools worked for her.

Books with positive affirmations were given to each participant to take notes and work on their intentions before presenting one of their goals to the group at the 2019 New Moon Intentions and Beginning Gathering on Tuesday in North Sydney.

One example she’ll use is when she wanted to win a trip. Lee said she set the intention and had a photo of a beach she used for visualization. She did win the trip and when she got to her resort, the view from her window was almost identical to the photo she used to manifest her goal.

After her talk, Lee will often guide participants through their own visualization exercise and then the three will perform reiki on the whole group, do a guided meditation and then lead everyone in their intention setting. In the circle, each person gets a chance to tell the others one of the intentions they are setting.

When we set new intentions … we really let go of the old stuff that no longer serves us,” said Helle.

It’s how you grow,” said Black.

With names already on a waiting list for upcoming events, the three women said anyone looking to improve their life, follow their dreams or gain courage to go after goals, would benefit from their intention setting events.

I feel like, particularly in Cape Breton, we just need more of this, more spiritual awareness and intentions. And it makes me feel good to pass along the gifts that I have or learned to somebody else,” said Helle.

I just love sharing what’s worked for me, in terms of my own personal development,” said Lee. “I used to be a very negative person and now I am trying to be more positive. Now I see doing that brings more positivity to your life.”


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FAST FACTS New Moon gatherings Where: Black Spoon Market, North SydneyWhat: Goal setting, reiki, meditationNext one: During February’s new moonWho runs them: Anita Helle – psychic, spiritual mentor; Monica Black – reiki healer, moon guide; Lisa Lee – reiki master, owner Lisa Young Lee

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